Experimental Winners
2020 BCPS Film Expo Experimental Winners:
1. Tie - Dear Heartbreaker- Olivia Bangs- Eastern Technical High School
1. oliviabangs_musicvideoheartbreaker - OLIVIA BANGS.mp4
1. Tie- Numbskull- Cavan O'Brien- Loch Raven High School
1. Hopefully done just to check - EDWARD O'BRIEN.mp4
2. Duality - Alicia Ingabire - George Washington Carver Center for Arts and Technology
2. Carver_Ali_Ingabire_Alicia - Khalid Ali.mp4
3. Tie- Dreams to Reality - Jayshon T. Grandy- Western School of Technology
3. JG Submission 2 - Jason Adelung.mp4
3. Tie- Three by Three - Eli Golding - George Washington Carver Center for Arts and Technology
3. Carver_Ali_Golding_Eli - Khalid Ali.mp4
4. Tie- My Escape - AJ Collurafici – Hereford High School
4. Collurafici_hereford2 - Samuel Tillman.mp4
4. Tie- Changes- Charlie Lingner and Shannon Vong- Eastern Technical High School
4. McCullaugh_Lingner_Charlie_Vong_Shannon - CHARLES LINGNER.mp4